- +1
- +91India
- +1United States
- +93Afghanistan
- +355Albania
- +213Algeria
- +1684American Samoa
- +376Andorra
- +244Angola
- +1264Anguilla
- +1268Antigua and Barbuda
- +54Argentina
- +374Armenia
- +297Aruba
- +247Ascension Island
- +61Australia
- +43Austria
- +994Azerbaijan
- +1242Bahamas
- +973Bahrain
- +880Bangladesh
- +1246Barbados
- +375Belarus
- +32Belgium
- +501Belize
- +229Benin
- +1441Bermuda
- +975Bhutan
- +591Bolivia
- +599Bonaire, Sint Eustatius
- +387Bosnia and Herzegovina
- +267Botswana
- +55Brazil
- +673Brunei
- +359Bulgaria
- +226Burkina Faso
- +257Burundi
- +855Cambodia
- +237Cameroon
- +1Canada
- +238Cape Verde
- +1345Cayman Islands
- +236Central African Republic
- +235Chad
- +56Chile
- +86China
- +57Colombia
- +269Comoros and Mayotte
- +242Congo
- +243Congo Dem Rep
- Cook Islands+682
- Costa Rica+506
- Cote d'Ivoire+225
- +385Croatia
- +53Cuba
- +599Curaçao
- +357Cyprus
- +420Czech Republic
- +45Denmark
- +246Diego Garcia
- +253Djibouti
- +1767Dominica
- +1809Dominican Republic
- +593Ecuador
- +20Egypt
- +503El Salvador
- +240Equatorial Guinea
- +291Eritrea
- +372Estonia
- +251Ethiopia
- +500Falkland Islands
- +298Faroe Islands
- +679Fiji
- +358Finland
- +33France
- +594French Guiana
- +689French Polynesia
- +241Gabon
- +220Gambia
- +995Georgia
- +49Germany
- +233Ghana
- +350Gibraltar
- +30Greece
- +299Greenland
- +1473Grenada
- +590Guadeloupe
- +1671Guam
- +502Guatemala
- +224Guinea
- +245Guinea Bissau
- +592Guyana
- +509Haiti
- +504Honduras
- +852Hong Kong
- +36Hungary
- +354Iceland
- +91India
- +62Indonesia
- +98Iran
- +964Iraq
- +353Ireland
- +972Israel
- +39Italy
- +1876Jamaica
- +81Japan
- +962Jordan
- +7Kazakhstan
- +254Kenya
- +686Kiribati
- +850Korea, North
- +82Korea, South
- +965Kuwait
- +996Kyrgyzstan
- +856Laos
- +371Latvia
- +961Lebanon
- +266Lesotho
- +231Liberia
- +218Libya
- +423Liechtenstein
- +370Lithuania
- +352Luxembourg
- +853Macao
- +389Macedonia
- +261Madagascar
- +265Malawi
- +60Malaysia
- +960Maldives
- +223Mali
- +356Malta
- +692Marshall Islands
- +596Martinique
- +222Mauritania
- +230Mauritius
- +52Mexico
- +691Micronesia
- +373Moldova
- +377Monaco
- +976Mongolia
- +382Montenegro
- +1664Montserrat
- +212Morocco
- +258Mozambique
- +95Myanmar
- +264Namibia
- +674Nauru
- +977Nepal
- +31Netherlands
- +687New Caledonia
- +64New Zealand
- +505Nicaragua
- +227Niger
- +234Nigeria
- +683Niue
- +6723Norfolk Island
- +1Northern Mariana Islands
- +47Norway
- +968Oman
- +92Pakistan
- +680Palau
- +970Palestinian Territories
- +507Panama
- +63Papua New Guinea
- +595Paraguay
- +51Peru
- +63Philippines
- +48Poland
- +351Portugal
- +1787Puerto Rico
- +974Qatar
- +262Reunion
- +40Romania
- +7Russia
- +250Rwanda
- +599Saba
- +590Saint Barthélemy
- +290Saint Helena
- +1869Saint Kitts and Nevis
- +1758Saint Lucia
- +590Saint Martin
- +508Saint Pierre and Miquelon
- +1784Saint Vincent Grenadines
- +685Samoa
- +378San Marino
- +239Sao Tome and Principe
- +966Saudi Arabia
- +221Senegal
- +381Serbia
- +248Seychelles
- +232Sierra Leone
- +65Singapore
- +1721Sint Maarten
- +421Slovakia
- +386Slovenia
- +677Solomon Islands
- +252Somalia
- +27South Africa
- +211South Sudan
- +34Spain
- +94Sri Lanka
- +249Sudan
- +597Suriname
- +268Swaziland
- +46Sweden
- +41Switzerland
- +963Syria
- +886Taiwan
- +992Tajikistan
- +255Tanzania
- +66Thailand
- +670Timor-Leste
- +228Togo
- +690Tokelau
- +676Tonga
- +1868Trinidad and Tobago
- +216Tunisia
- +90Turkey
- +993Turkmenistan
- +1649Turks and Caicos
- +688Tuvalu
- +256Uganda
- +380Ukraine
- +971United Arab Emirates
- +44United Kingdom
- +1United States
- +598Uruguay
- +998Uzbekistan
- +678Vanuatu
- +379Vatican City
- +58Venezuela
- +84Vietnam
- +1284Virgin Islands, British
- +1340Virgin Islands, US
- +681Wallis and Futuna
- +967Yemen
- +260Zambia
- +263Zimbabwe
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It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).
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It is a long established fact that a reader will beIt is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).
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